FBI forensic unit admits gave flawed evidence for years in almost all trials

Monday, April 20, 2015

The FBI admitted that "some mistakes" forensic laboratory evidence given to some US courts to ensure punishment, including death penalty cases in a period of more than 20 years.

A report by the Office of the Inspector General (Office of the Inspector General / OIG) noted "irregularities" hair analysis unit.  Details of related cases are expected to be obtained from groups of activists. The data used in forensic disability least 60 death penalty cases, the OIG report.

Assessment of a number of cases on news media in 2012, in which three men declared guilty at the scene of violent crime by hair analysis unit, which raises the possibility of hundreds of decisions that are not appropriate.

Through a statement, the FBI admitted "some mistakes FBI examiner issued a statement in connection with microscopic hair analysis in the context of the testimony or lab report".

According to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Innocence Project, 26 of the 28 inspectors in microscopic hair comparison unit of the FBI Laboratory "exaggerate similarities forensics" to support prosecutors in over 95% of the 268 court cases that have been reviewed.
NACDL and the Innocence Project in cooperation with the government in what the newspaper described as "the largest study that questioned the verdict after the imposition of forensic evidence".

The cases were re-examined include 32 defendants who were sentenced to death. Fourteen of them were executed or died in prison,

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