Paltrow mention irreconcilable differences as the reason for divorce from Chris Martin, who is a member of the band Coldplay.
The couple split in May 2013, according to documents filed by Gwyneth Paltrow. In March 2014, the couple announced their separation they undergo a process called "uncoupling conscious."
Official source told that Paltrow and Martin's business managers have been working out the terms of their split, including financial assets and custody of their children.
The court documents indicate that Paltrow requested spousal support be determined at a future time, with both parties paying their own attorneys' fees. She also requested that the court award her and Martin joint custody of their children.
The announcement was published on Paltrow's lifestyle site,, and the terms they use suddenly so popular. The term was first raised by the therapist and writer Katherine Woodward Thomas Los Angeles, which created a five-step process "Conscious Uncoupling."
Paltrow and Martin married in December 2003 and have two children, Apple 10 years old and Moses 9 years old. Paltrow file a joint custody of their two children.