Paul Mason before skin removal surgery
Former world's fattest man, Paul Mason underwent the operation at a hospital in New York. This surgery aims to remove excess skin sagging.
This operation lasted nine hours, he had to undergo surgery as a result of his body has begun to skinny. Previous man from Ipswich has a weight of 440 kg. No wonder he dubbed the fattest man in the world. However, he started to run a weight loss program. Now weighing been reduced to 285 kg.
He is currently in New York recuperating after a nine-hour operation there to remove the loose skin.
Asked by BBC Radio Suffolk about the removal of so much tissue, he said: "I just think 'good riddance'.
About half of the skin removed was from Mr Mason's right leg with further significant surgery to what he described as his "apron", which covered his midriff.
"The operation entailed the removal of the excess skin left from the weight loss operation," he said.
"It has certainly improved things for me."
He said the excess skin had been holding him back.
"I can see me getting around a lot easier," he said.
"Lifting my leg... (feels like) lifting a wafer-thin piece of paper rather a tree trunk."
He said he still needed further surgery to remove excess skin elsewhere on his body, including his arms.
Cut the fat off: Surgeons removed a staggering 3.4st of skin from Paul's body
"Life has definitely improved," he said.
Mr Mason, who used to have £75-worth of takeaways and chocolate delivered to his door daily, had the operation thanks to a donation of time by Dr Jennifer Capla.
He travelled to the United States last year and has been living with Massachusetts resident Rebecca Mountain, who proposed to him during filming for TV programme The View.
Mason struggle to get this surgery is not an easy way. He even asked the NHS to carry out surgery, but was rejected. But the story and his struggle to lose weight and eliminate fat skin have spread all over the world. Finally, a plastic surgeon from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, Jennifer Capla willing to perform this procedure.
After Capla track Mason's data, she was offered skin removal surgery, but on one condition, if Mason could get in the United States (from the UK) then, Capla will perform surgery
"I remember seeing a photo of himself, using a wheelchair, can not walk. For me it is very sad. He could not even do simple things, and nobody wants to help," said Capla.