Pulitzer winner, Seymour Hersh calls the US government lied about several things about the operation that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
Osama has turned out to be a Pakistani intelligence custody since 2006. Disclosed Hersh quoting retired senior Pakistani intelligence official, since 2006 Osama is under the control of Pakistan and hidden in the city of Abbottabad with financial aid of Saudi Arabia.
"The Saudis do not want the existence of bin Laden notified to the Pakistani because he's Saudi citizen, so they told to Pakistan to keep him. Saudi afraid if we know, we will press Pakistan to let Bin Laden began talk to us about what has been done along the Saudi with Al -Qaeda, "said retired US intelligence official told to Hersh.
"So they (Saudi) finally gave the money in large quantities,"
Hersh mentioned in his article, on the other hand, Pakistan is also worried that Saudi will divulge to the US about Osama who were under the control of the Pakistani intelligence. The Pakistani government was worried the US would be angry if knew from the Saudi Government, not from Pakistan directly.
Hersh also said Pakistani officials know about US Special Forces military operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011, which killed Osama.
Many analysts criticized the reliance Hersh to a retired intelligence officer. They say, much of what the source to tell reporters it was not in accordance with the facts known to the public and can be verified.
Peter Bergen, who has long become a security analyst for CNN and made the first television interview with Bin Laden in 1997, made the scathing criticism. "Hersh reports about the raid on Bin Laden is nonsense as opposed to the many eyewitness reports and simple common sense," he wrote.
Hersh, who also plays a role in dismantling mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2004, has been a controversial figure in recent years because it is often uncover issues conspiracy theories.
Hersh, maintains its position. He told CNN that he had "checked out" and "verify" the sources and information for articles about Bin Laden's. "You know, I've been a long time in this business, and I understand the consequences of what I say," he said.